Kitchen Table at Pride

a collection of pride buttons, one of them with the Kitchen Table symbol

Saturday, June 24th is the day of the CSD Pride Parade in Munich.

We are participating with our own walking group, on position 116. We’ll be lining up before noon at Mariahilfplatz, official start of the parade will be at 12:00.

Come join us, rally for our rights and against queerphobia and transphobia of all kinds.

At our regular meetup on June 23rd we’ll also create a few more signs to bring. If you already have your own, bring them to the parade!

We are trying to make it as accessible for everyone as we can. So far we came up with the following:

  • Let us know if you want to join but can’t walk, or can’t walk the whole distance. We are looking into having cargo bikes, rickshaws, wheelchairs or something like that. By letting us know we can estimate demand and will hopefully manage to make it work for you.
  • Also let us know if you feel more comfortable not coming to the parade by yourself. We will try to organize meeting points so several of us can join together at some point and come to the parade together.

We can’t guarantee we’ll manage this 100%, but we’re trying! Write us also if you have questions, or if there is something else you need to feel comfortable in our group.

So far we’re bringing the following:

  • 2 polyam flags
  • 1 BDSM flag
  • 1 bi pride flag
  • 1 progress pride flag
  • 1 Kitchen Table flag
  • flyers
  • water
  • sunscreen

Do you have any other wishes or ideas?

Looking forward to seeing you there!