Polyam Picknick am 21. Mai

Hello friends,

the forecast is finally looking good - Sunday is going to be warm and sunny again! Time to start the season for Polyam Picknicks!

We’ll meet up on Sunday, May 21st, at 15:00, in a park in Munich.

  • 2G+ (please be vaccinated and/or recovered from covid, and have a negative Schnelltest (antigen quick test) from the same day)

Bring any food you like and blankets, we’ll have a fun afternoon, talking about polyam and kink, and eating tasty snacks.

Queer people as well as Black, indigenous and other people of color are explicitly welcome, as are people with dis_abilities.

We want to meet people who are a little kinky and/or a little polyam. Let’s talk about polyamory and kink, give each other advice, and share stories. It doesn’t matter whether you have a lot of experience, or none at all - all that’s important is that you’re interested in at least one of these topics, and that you share our values:

We know that different people have different experiences with discrimination. Racism, sexism, queermisia, ableism, and many other such things are everywhere in our society. We know that many also have experienced abuse and consent violations. Together we do our best to be sensitive about these things and to create a space as safe as we can. If something undesired does happen anyway, we help to rebuild safety for the affected persons and take the harm seriously, we help to learn from mistakes, and try to improve the space for everyone.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, or if you have a particular need that should be discussed beforehand, we will try and help.

We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Carl-Eric (he/him, they/them) and T (she/her)
from the Kitchen Table Team