Help wanted!

Hello people of Kitchen Table,

we are building a small but nice little community. (see the tl;dr, too long didn’t read at the end)

We want to bring people together who share our values.

We strive to act in an anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-discriminatory manner, and we welcome all identities and orientations. We want to be queer friendly, trans friendly, BIPoC friendly and kink friendly. We are aware that we still need to learn a lot and listen a lot, and we want to do that. We want to take seriously the needs of marginalized people and not just drop our mistakes on them.

We want to learn, together and from each other. We want to have lots of fun and talk about polyamory and other relationship styles as well as kinks, fetishes and BDSM. It’s perfectly fine of course to only be interested in one of the topics of polyamory and BDSM.

All of this needs to be organized, and for that we need a team.

As a team we want to take care of each other and share tasks in a way that is healthy for all involved, even in stressful times.

Do you want to be part of this team?

The tasks include:

  • regular meetings and networking within the team, also via chat (currently on Signal)
  • Coming up with meetups and events, advertising and organizing them - especially things that you want to do! (e.g. the picknicks, bar nights, playing lasertag, going to talks or film screenings together, going to a museum, etc)
  • collaborate on writing texts for invitations, the website, etc, and ensuring they are as inclusive as possible.
  • being available to be contacted during events for attendees and their needs
  • figure out where to advertise events, to overcome societal barriers
  • collaborate on our Code of Conduct, a paper that translates our values in rules for our events; as well as on developing rules for how we organize ourselves
  • actively educate ourselves together, to un-learn discriminations. This can mean going to workshops about racism, ableism, queermisia, sexism, classism, transformative justice or similar things. Also, talk with each other on how best to bring this into the community.
    • This does not mean that you have to invest inordinate amounts of time or money! The point is that we keep learning and educating ourselves, within our means. That can be a workshop, a book, or some other thing

Important: You don’t have to do all of those things! What we need are people who are open for talking about these things, and available for other organizers in case of problems. Being willing to interact within the team and to educate yourself on anti-discrimination are the only “must have"s.

What we are looking for:

As a team, we want to be as diverse as possible, to offer all attendees a good experience at our events.

You don’t have to be super experienced in organizing events, we all support each other. You also don’t have to commit a large part of your spare time, nor do you have to be present at every single event. A creative person who helps us figure things out is also helpful! A little bit of time, open communication of your expectations and your available energy is all that’s needed.

We are especially looking for people who are part of a marginalized group: BIPoC, trans people, queer people, women, people with disabilities, also people with mental health issues or chronic illnesses - because you should feel welcome at Kitchen Table as well!

Now what?

If this sounded interesting to you, contact us! We’ll sit down together - with no commitment required - and talk about it over dinner, a beverage, or just like that. We’ll answer your questions and figure out together, how you can support us, and how we can support you. And of course, how we can build this community together. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

You can also “dip your toes in” at one of the upcoming events and then decide whether this is something you want to do.

Looking forward to hearing from you at!
Carl-Eric (he/they), T (she), Chris (he)


We are looking for people to help us build this community.

There are lots of different tasks, you don’t need to be experienced.

It doesn’t matter how much time you can spare - if you feel like helping, let us know!

You don’t have to commit to anything right away, we’ll happily talk to you about what you could do.

We’re explicitly inviting marginalized people to join the team, so the community can become a good space for everyone: At least in the long term we would like to have a BIPoC person, another queer person, and a another person with a disability.

Contact us!